At RMB we believe that private equity has a significant role to play in driving economic growth by generating returns for investors and building better businesses by creating real value that goes beyond equity.

As subsidiaries of FirstRand Limited, both RMB Ventures and RMB Corvest are on-balance sheet providers of flexible equity and debt funding packages. The companies operate independently and deliver private equity capital to assist clients with medium to large Leveraged Buy-outs, Management Buy-outs and public to private transactions. The teams also bring significant M&A experience to the execution of add-on acquisitions and provide capital for new plants, equipment and products for expansion into Africa.

Their close association with RMB gives RMB Ventures and RMB Corvest access to the full suite of Corporate and Investment Banking products.

The teams bring a vast array of managerial skills, marketing and sales experience and operational expertise across a diverse spectrum of industries. The teams partner with management teams of companies and spend significant time at these companies to develop a clear business strategy to structure the best possible solution. They also add significant value to their investments by optimising the capital structure and by facilitating cross-selling opportunities among portfolio companies.

As responsible funders and investors, the teams ensure that the interest of investors and company management teams are always aligned. The teams are committed to long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with clients and to pursue strategies that benefit the sustainability of the enterprise, its employees and stakeholders.

RMB is a leading African Corporate and Investment Bank.


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